Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY
01908617868, Emergency Number: 07761513423



The aim at Giffard Park Primary School is that all children will achieve their full potential both academically and socially. Quality first teaching is paramount to ensure we fulfil this aim for all our children. 

For some children however, it is necessary to provide additional support and/or resources to enable them to achieve their outcomes in school and to reach their full potential. 


At Giffard Park, we respect the fact that children:

  • have different educational and behavioural needs and aspirations
  • require different strategies for learning
  • acquire, assimilate and communicate information at different rates
  • need a range of different teaching approaches and experiences


Teachers respond to children's needs by:

  • providing support for children who need help
  • planning for children's full participation in learning and in physical and practical activities
  • helping children to manage and own their behaviour and to take part in learning effectively and safely
  • helping individuals to manage their emotions, particularly trauma or stress, and to take part in learning


Our approach in practice:

  • knowing our children 
  • understanding their SEND
  • Being prepared to try different strategies and approaches to meet individual needs
  • Thinking creatively and being solution focussed
  • Listening to our children, our parents and other professionals
  • Working together
  • Continually adapting our provision to best support the child

If you would like to discuss any aspect of SEND at Giffard park or have any concerns about your child, please contact our SENCo Lisa Clark on 01908 617868 or by emailing 


To find out more about the Milton Keynes Local SEND offer, please click here.


Please read our SEND information report and SEND policy for further information below:

SENDIntentImplementationandImpact.pdf .pdf
SEND Policy December 2023.pdf .pdf
Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY
01908617868, Emergency Number: 07761513423



The aim at Giffard Park Primary School is that all children will achieve their full potential both academically and socially. Quality first teaching is paramount to ensure we fulfil this aim for all our children. 

For some children however, it is necessary to provide additional support and/or resources to enable them to achieve their outcomes in school and to reach their full potential. 


At Giffard Park, we respect the fact that children:

  • have different educational and behavioural needs and aspirations
  • require different strategies for learning
  • acquire, assimilate and communicate information at different rates
  • need a range of different teaching approaches and experiences


Teachers respond to children's needs by:

  • providing support for children who need help
  • planning for children's full participation in learning and in physical and practical activities
  • helping children to manage and own their behaviour and to take part in learning effectively and safely
  • helping individuals to manage their emotions, particularly trauma or stress, and to take part in learning


Our approach in practice:

  • knowing our children 
  • understanding their SEND
  • Being prepared to try different strategies and approaches to meet individual needs
  • Thinking creatively and being solution focussed
  • Listening to our children, our parents and other professionals
  • Working together
  • Continually adapting our provision to best support the child

If you would like to discuss any aspect of SEND at Giffard park or have any concerns about your child, please contact our SENCo Lisa Clark on 01908 617868 or by emailing 


To find out more about the Milton Keynes Local SEND offer, please click here.


Please read our SEND information report and SEND policy for further information below:

SENDIntentImplementationandImpact.pdf .pdf
SEND Policy December 2023.pdf .pdf
Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY
01908617868, Emergency Number: 07761513423



The aim at Giffard Park Primary School is that all children will achieve their full potential both academically and socially. Quality first teaching is paramount to ensure we fulfil this aim for all our children. 

For some children however, it is necessary to provide additional support and/or resources to enable them to achieve their outcomes in school and to reach their full potential. 


At Giffard Park, we respect the fact that children:

  • have different educational and behavioural needs and aspirations
  • require different strategies for learning
  • acquire, assimilate and communicate information at different rates
  • need a range of different teaching approaches and experiences


Teachers respond to children's needs by:

  • providing support for children who need help
  • planning for children's full participation in learning and in physical and practical activities
  • helping children to manage and own their behaviour and to take part in learning effectively and safely
  • helping individuals to manage their emotions, particularly trauma or stress, and to take part in learning


Our approach in practice:

  • knowing our children 
  • understanding their SEND
  • Being prepared to try different strategies and approaches to meet individual needs
  • Thinking creatively and being solution focussed
  • Listening to our children, our parents and other professionals
  • Working together
  • Continually adapting our provision to best support the child

If you would like to discuss any aspect of SEND at Giffard park or have any concerns about your child, please contact our SENCo Lisa Clark on 01908 617868 or by emailing 


To find out more about the Milton Keynes Local SEND offer, please click here.


Please read our SEND information report and SEND policy for further information below:

SENDIntentImplementationandImpact.pdf .pdf
SEND Policy December 2023.pdf .pdf