Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY

Becoming a School Governor

The Governing Board welcomes interest from parents and members of the community, including those who have no connection to the school and have little or no experience of educational organisation. Broader skills and experience in Finance, Human Resources or managing capital projects can be just as important to ensure the governing board has a broad range and depth of skills.


Terms of Office for governors are usually 4 years. During this time governors are expected to attend both Full Governing Board meetings and committee meetings to which you will be appointed; take an interest in the school's development; stay current with educational governance matters, perform school visits and assist the Chair of Governors where needed.

Giffard Park Primary School has adopted a continuous improvement strategy in line with the School Development Plan and our aim is to continue that development by embracing new ideas, methods and technology, to give our children the best experience in their early school days. It is one of the roles of the Governing Board to assist and guide in maintaining those high standards and ensure that all our pupils, of all abilities, develop into the best they can be whilst they attend Giffard Park Primary School.

Those interested in becoming a governor will need to agree to an enhanced DBS & Section 128 check.

If you would like to discuss the role or need any more information please contact Mrs Kirsty Brice, Chair of Governors, or the school to speak with Mrs Wiles, Headteacher.

We welcome applications to join our Governing Board from people of all walks of life - even if there are no current vacancies. 


For further information please see: 


Become a school governor - Handout .pdf .pdf
Governor Application form docx.docx .docx
Governor Recruitment May 24.pdf .pdf