Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY

Remote Learning

Remote Learning Vision


At Giffard Park Primary School we remain committed to supporting all our pupils during the current challenges faced by COVID 19. Every child from EYFS to Year 6 has been provided with a Seesaw login and password. Work can be uploaded from home and our teaching staff are providing daily feedback to children.


Whilst this is a challenging time, we are determined to remain positive and do our very best to support the children and yourselves with their education and well-being during this period. It is a balance between having to ensure we have teachers in school and also teachers available to provide the home learning support too- bear with us as we juggle this with the increase in key worker numbers in school we had compared to March when we only had between 4 and 23 children each day in school!


We also know that the longer this goes on for, the more important it is that we stay connected and supportive of those children learning at home.


So, what can you expect from us over the lockdown? Assuming our staff keep well, we are offering the following:

  1. Full curriculum coverage whether your child is in school or at home, with a focus on keeping up on reading, writing and maths as well as phonics for our younger children- all children will follow the same learning whether in school or at home. (Teaching and Learning tasks will be uploaded to Seesaw a day in advance)


Clear weekly learning overviews and videos/tutorials to support learning at home.

  • Full curriculum coverage whether your child is in school or at home, with a focus on keeping up on reading, writing and maths as well as phonics for our younger children- all children will follow the same learning whether in school or at home. (Teaching and Learning tasks will be uploaded to Seesaw a day in advance)
  • Clear weekly learning overviews and videos/tutorials to support learning at home.
  • From w/c 18th January, we will be starting 'live' connect well-being sessions using Zoom for children at home. This is an opportunity to see and connect with their peers and class teacher.
  • Easy access to teachers via the class email - you can use this email address whether your child is in school or at home. Teachers will reply within 48 hours between 9am and 3.30pm on weekdays.
  • Bespoke support for children with SEN needs who are at home or at school- through resources, phone calls, emails and zoom.
  • Regular welfare calls home from school staff to check in on well-being.
  • Daily feedback to your child on work submitted to their teacher.
  • Online assemblies.
  • Someone to talk to if you need help or advice- please contact us- we want to make this work as best we can too.


During this time, we will be keeping you informed about resources, remote learning opportunities and updates. We will be using various platforms to do this:

  1.    Text messaging via Parentmail
  2.    Class emails
  3.    Remote learning platforms Tapestry for EYFS and Seesaw for EYFS, KS1 and KS2
  4.    School website
  5.    School Facebook page
No data
Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY

Remote Learning

Remote Learning Vision


At Giffard Park Primary School we remain committed to supporting all our pupils during the current challenges faced by COVID 19. Every child from EYFS to Year 6 has been provided with a Seesaw login and password. Work can be uploaded from home and our teaching staff are providing daily feedback to children.


Whilst this is a challenging time, we are determined to remain positive and do our very best to support the children and yourselves with their education and well-being during this period. It is a balance between having to ensure we have teachers in school and also teachers available to provide the home learning support too- bear with us as we juggle this with the increase in key worker numbers in school we had compared to March when we only had between 4 and 23 children each day in school!


We also know that the longer this goes on for, the more important it is that we stay connected and supportive of those children learning at home.


So, what can you expect from us over the lockdown? Assuming our staff keep well, we are offering the following:

  1. Full curriculum coverage whether your child is in school or at home, with a focus on keeping up on reading, writing and maths as well as phonics for our younger children- all children will follow the same learning whether in school or at home. (Teaching and Learning tasks will be uploaded to Seesaw a day in advance)


Clear weekly learning overviews and videos/tutorials to support learning at home.

  • Full curriculum coverage whether your child is in school or at home, with a focus on keeping up on reading, writing and maths as well as phonics for our younger children- all children will follow the same learning whether in school or at home. (Teaching and Learning tasks will be uploaded to Seesaw a day in advance)
  • Clear weekly learning overviews and videos/tutorials to support learning at home.
  • From w/c 18th January, we will be starting 'live' connect well-being sessions using Zoom for children at home. This is an opportunity to see and connect with their peers and class teacher.
  • Easy access to teachers via the class email - you can use this email address whether your child is in school or at home. Teachers will reply within 48 hours between 9am and 3.30pm on weekdays.
  • Bespoke support for children with SEN needs who are at home or at school- through resources, phone calls, emails and zoom.
  • Regular welfare calls home from school staff to check in on well-being.
  • Daily feedback to your child on work submitted to their teacher.
  • Online assemblies.
  • Someone to talk to if you need help or advice- please contact us- we want to make this work as best we can too.


During this time, we will be keeping you informed about resources, remote learning opportunities and updates. We will be using various platforms to do this:

  1.    Text messaging via Parentmail
  2.    Class emails
  3.    Remote learning platforms Tapestry for EYFS and Seesaw for EYFS, KS1 and KS2
  4.    School website
  5.    School Facebook page
No data
Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY

Remote Learning

Remote Learning Vision


At Giffard Park Primary School we remain committed to supporting all our pupils during the current challenges faced by COVID 19. Every child from EYFS to Year 6 has been provided with a Seesaw login and password. Work can be uploaded from home and our teaching staff are providing daily feedback to children.


Whilst this is a challenging time, we are determined to remain positive and do our very best to support the children and yourselves with their education and well-being during this period. It is a balance between having to ensure we have teachers in school and also teachers available to provide the home learning support too- bear with us as we juggle this with the increase in key worker numbers in school we had compared to March when we only had between 4 and 23 children each day in school!


We also know that the longer this goes on for, the more important it is that we stay connected and supportive of those children learning at home.


So, what can you expect from us over the lockdown? Assuming our staff keep well, we are offering the following:

  1. Full curriculum coverage whether your child is in school or at home, with a focus on keeping up on reading, writing and maths as well as phonics for our younger children- all children will follow the same learning whether in school or at home. (Teaching and Learning tasks will be uploaded to Seesaw a day in advance)


Clear weekly learning overviews and videos/tutorials to support learning at home.

  • Full curriculum coverage whether your child is in school or at home, with a focus on keeping up on reading, writing and maths as well as phonics for our younger children- all children will follow the same learning whether in school or at home. (Teaching and Learning tasks will be uploaded to Seesaw a day in advance)
  • Clear weekly learning overviews and videos/tutorials to support learning at home.
  • From w/c 18th January, we will be starting 'live' connect well-being sessions using Zoom for children at home. This is an opportunity to see and connect with their peers and class teacher.
  • Easy access to teachers via the class email - you can use this email address whether your child is in school or at home. Teachers will reply within 48 hours between 9am and 3.30pm on weekdays.
  • Bespoke support for children with SEN needs who are at home or at school- through resources, phone calls, emails and zoom.
  • Regular welfare calls home from school staff to check in on well-being.
  • Daily feedback to your child on work submitted to their teacher.
  • Online assemblies.
  • Someone to talk to if you need help or advice- please contact us- we want to make this work as best we can too.


During this time, we will be keeping you informed about resources, remote learning opportunities and updates. We will be using various platforms to do this:

  1.    Text messaging via Parentmail
  2.    Class emails
  3.    Remote learning platforms Tapestry for EYFS and Seesaw for EYFS, KS1 and KS2
  4.    School website
  5.    School Facebook page
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